Panda Helper Tutorial
For our Panda-Helper tutorial, we are going to use a dataset that counts how many bicycles have passed through bike counting sensors at various locations in New York City over time. We are going to merge the dataset with some additional metadata for the sensors. The datasets can be downloaded from:
- Bicycle Counts:
- Metadata:
Loading Data
Download and save data locally.
import pandas as pd
metadata = pd.read_csv("data/Bicycle_Counters.csv")
bike_counts = pd.read_csv(
date_format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p",
bike_counts = bike_counts.join(metadata.set_index("id"), on="id", how="left")
DataFrame Profile
The DataFrameProfile
is used to get a quick overview of the contents of a Pandas
DataFrame. It is an object that can be later referenced or saved if desired.
In a single view it provides:
- DataFrame shape.
- Memory usage.
- The number of duplicated rows (if any).
- The datatypes of the individual Series.
- Statistics nulls per row to provide a view on data completeness.
- Time Differences (Diffs or Gaps) if it is a time-indexed DataFrame.
- In the below example we see that most observations occur at the same time as another observation or 15 minutes after the previous observation. There are a few gaps where more than 15 minutes has passed since the last observation.
DataFrame-Level Info
---------------------- -------------
DF Shape (5589249, 12)
Duplicated Rows 0
Memory Usage (MB) 1,926.950
Series Name Data Type Memory Usage (MB)
------------- -------------- -------------------
Index datetime64[ns] 44.714
countid int64 44.714
id int64 44.714
counts int64 44.714
status int64 44.714
name object 438.682
domain object 368.89
latitude float64 44.714
longitude float64 44.714
interval int64 44.714
timezone object 419.194
sens int64 44.714
counter object 297.758
Summary of Nulls Per Row
-------------------------- ---------
Number of Columns 12
min 0
1% 0
5% 0
25% 0
50% 0
75% 0
95% 1
99% 1
max 1
mean 0.240237
standard deviation 0.427228
median 0
median absolute deviation 0
skew 1.21604
Time Diffs Count % of total
--------------- ------- ------------
0 days 00:00:00 5176050 92.61%
0 days 00:15:00 413183 7.39%
0 days 01:15:00 12 0.00%
0 days 02:15:00 1 0.00%
0 days 00:30:00 1 0.00%
0 days 06:15:00 1 0.00%
Series Profile (Numeric)
The SeriesProfile
is used to get a quick overview of the contents of a Pandas
Series. It is an object that can be later referenced or saved if desired.
In a single view it provides:
- Series data type (dtype).
- The number of non-null values.
- The number of unique values.
- The number of null values.
- The counts of some of the most common and least common values in the series which
can be configured with the optional
flag - Distribution statistics for the Series based on the data type.
Counts are the number of bike crossings at a bike sensor in a window of time.
counts Info
------------- -------
Data Type int64
Count 5589249
Unique Values 897
Null Values 0
Value Count % of total
------- ------- ------------
0 860809 15.40%
1 373805 6.69%
2 279622 5.00%
3 217329 3.89%
4 177636 3.18%
5 150857 2.70%
6 131232 2.35%
7 117491 2.10%
8 106717 1.91%
9 98373 1.76%
824 1 0.00%
1092 1 0.00%
925 1 0.00%
894 1 0.00%
1081 1 0.00%
Statistic Value
------------------------- --------------
count 5.58925e+06
min 0
1% 0
5% 0
25% 2
50% 13
75% 37
95% 93
99% 164
max 1133
mean 26.4127
standard deviation 39.3405
median 13
median absolute deviation 13
skew 5.17677
Series Profile (Object)
A SeriesProfile
for an object
Series will provide similar information as a numeric
Series but without distribution statistics. Here we use the optional freq_most_least
parameter to show a longer frequency table.
Name is the designation of the bike sensor station.
name Info
------------- -------
Data Type object
Count 5589249
Unique Values 34
Null Values 0
Value Count % of total
----------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------
Manhattan Bridge Bike Comprehensive 381148 6.82%
Manhattan Bridge Display Bike Counter 381148 6.82%
Manhattan Bridge Ped Path 368665 6.60%
Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge Shared Path 368504 6.59%
Williamsburg Bridge Bike Path 368433 6.59%
Brooklyn Bridge Bike Path 366111 6.55%
Comprehensive Brooklyn Bridge Counter 365948 6.55%
Staten Island Ferry 287203 5.14%
Prospect Park West 266080 4.76%
Kent Ave btw North 8th St and North 9th St 264522 4.73%
Pulaski Bridge 243868 4.36%
1st Avenue - 26th St N - Interference testing 218169 3.90%
Manhattan Bridge 2012 to 2019 Bike Counter 202785 3.63%
8th Ave at 50th St. 195920 3.51%
Manhattan Bridge 2013 to 2018 Bike Counter 165505 2.96%
Columbus Ave at 86th St. 162481 2.91%
Amsterdam Ave at 86th St. 162369 2.91%
2nd Avenue - 26th St S 136388 2.44%
Brooklyn Bridge Bicycle Path (Roadway) 95955 1.72%
Kent Ave btw South 6th St. and Broadway 78478 1.40%
111th St at 50th Ave 72567 1.30%
Fountain Ave 63146 1.13%
Willis Ave 62148 1.11%
Willis Ave Bikes 62148 1.11%
Willis Ave Peds 62148 1.11%
Manhattan Bridge 2012 Test Bike Counter 36179 0.65%
Manhattan Bridge Interference Calibration 2019 Bike Counter 27675 0.50%
Ocean Pkwy at Avenue J 27260 0.49%
Pelham Pkwy 21452 0.38%
Broadway at 50th St 20544 0.37%
High Bridge 16276 0.29%
Emmons Ave 16267 0.29%
Forsyth Plaza 14998 0.27%
Concrete Plant Park 6761 0.12%
Time Series Functionality
Calculate the cumulative gaps in time series data by category
In the above example we saw a notable difference in the number of observations per
bike counter station. We can use category_gaps
to check for gaps in
time-indexed, categorical-like data. We use the threshold
parameter to define the
maximum expected increment in the time-indexed data. Some of the bike stations report
data every 15 minutes and some report data every hour so we can use a threshold of one
Cumulative Gap
Concrete Plant Park 4234 days 13:45:00
Forsyth Plaza 4148 days 16:15:00
Emmons Ave 4135 days 12:30:00
High Bridge 4135 days 10:15:00
Broadway at 50th St 4090 days 10:30:00
Pelham Pkwy 4081 days 12:15:00
Ocean Pkwy at Avenue J 4021 days 00:15:00
Manhattan Bridge Interference Calibration 2019 ... 4016 days 15:00:00
Manhattan Bridge 2012 Test Bike Counter 3928 days 01:30:00
Willis Ave Peds 3657 days 12:45:00
Willis Ave Bikes 3657 days 12:45:00
Willis Ave 3657 days 12:45:00
Fountain Ave 3647 days 01:45:00
111th St at 50th Ave 3548 days 21:45:00
Kent Ave btw South 6th St. and Broadway 3487 days 06:30:00
Brooklyn Bridge Bicycle Path (Roadway) 3305 days 06:45:00
2nd Avenue - 26th St S 2884 days 02:30:00
Amsterdam Ave at 86th St. 2613 days 09:30:00
Columbus Ave at 86th St. 2612 days 06:00:00
Manhattan Bridge 2013 to 2018 Bike Counter 2580 days 19:15:00
8th Ave at 50th St. 2263 days 19:00:00
Manhattan Bridge 2012 to 2019 Bike Counter 2192 days 07:30:00
1st Avenue - 26th St N - Interference testing 2032 days 00:00:00
Pulaski Bridge 1764 days 08:45:00
Kent Ave btw North 8th St and North 9th St 1549 days 04:30:00
Prospect Park West 1533 days 00:30:00
Staten Island Ferry 1312 days 22:15:00
Comprehensive Brooklyn Bridge Counter 492 days 13:45:00
Brooklyn Bridge Bike Path 490 days 21:45:00
Williamsburg Bridge Bike Path 466 days 15:00:00
Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge Shared Path 465 days 22:45:00
Manhattan Bridge Ped Path 464 days 07:15:00
Manhattan Bridge Bike Comprehensive 333 days 14:45:00
Manhattan Bridge Display Bike Counter 333 days 14:45:00
Identify when gaps occur in time series data
It looks like the 'Manhattan Bridge Bike Comprehensive' category has the smallest
amount of missing time. We can use id_gaps_index
to identify when the gaps occur.
We see that the largest gap for this bike sensor is ~328 days long in 2013.
mbc = bike_counts["name"][bike_counts["name"] == "Manhattan Bridge Bike Comprehensive"]
ph.id_gaps_index(mbc, threshold=pd.Timedelta(hours=1))
2013-12-03 00:00:00 328 days 00:15:00
2023-09-27 02:15:00 2 days 02:30:00
2024-01-21 02:15:00 1 days 02:30:00
2023-07-03 02:15:00 1 days 02:30:00
2023-07-01 02:15:00 1 days 02:30:00
2013-12-03 11:00:00 0 days 06:15:00
2012-10-12 15:00:00 0 days 02:15:00
2021-03-14 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2023-03-12 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2022-03-13 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2019-03-10 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2020-03-08 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2018-03-11 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2017-03-12 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2016-03-13 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2015-03-08 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2014-11-04 05:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2014-03-09 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00
2024-03-10 03:00:00 0 days 01:15:00